I've come to believe that the presence of choice - and actively exercising it - transforms how we experience life's demands. When we choose to do something, even demanding tasks can become sources of joy.
This revelation came to me during hotel stays. In these places of carefully curated comfort, where silent, efficient elevators whisk guests between floors, I choose to take the stairs for any level below the tenth. Why spend time on a stairmaster at the gym when life offers natural opportunities for movement? Similarly, instead of having groceries delivered to my doorstep, I now choose to walk to my favourite shops, handpick fresh produce, and transform my walk home into what gym-goers would call a "farmer's walk" or "suitcase carry."
The same principle emerged in my journey of parenthood. With the gift of abundant initial support - a live-in nanny and my partner as a full-time father - I had complete freedom to shape my involvement. Over time, I found myself naturally dedicating more and more time to my toddler. Each moment together, including those of mental and physical exhaustion, carries joy, perhaps made more precious because they spring from active choice rather than obligation.
These experiences have led me to a broader realisation about engagement and collaboration. I believe creative and intellectual work transforms when born of genuine desire. There's a unique energy in co-creation when all participants are truly free to engage or withdraw. Perhaps it is only in the presence of this freedom that authentic collaboration can flourish.